Ginny Cunningham Health and Wellbeing Coach

Holistic Wellbeing Coaching

I believe everyone has the right to live their best life possible and if you’re not living yours, then I’d love to help you.

Let’s face it, life can have a tendency to throw challenges and events our way. These might have an impact on our lives in many ways. Work, relationships, finances or physical body can all be affected. The key though is how you deal with what life throws at you. Maybe you have had many events in your life and now you can’t see the wood for the trees. So are you being held back by something that has happened to you?

  • Is fear affecting your life? Are you scared of something; such as flying, dogs, heights, driving? Does this fear hold you back and stop you from going on that dream holiday, walking in the park, driving on the motorway to visit your family?
  • Are you stressed about work, life, children, or relationships? Does it get you down or leave you feeling drained? Do you feel you can’t cope any more? Do Monday mornings fill you with dread?
  • Are you anxious, constantly feel on edge? Do you suffer from depression or anxiety?
  • Do you have persistent pain that won’t go away? Do you wake up in pain, go to the doctor, take painkillers, and the next morning still wake up in pain? Are you never fully pain-free?
  • Has a past trauma or bereavement left you feeling that you just can’t cope or move on?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions then there’s a reason behind these negative emotions and feelings. My job is to effectively locate the origins of these emotions and feelings and work with you to resolve them and therefore find a solution.


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I like to get to the heart of the matter quickly, intuitively knowing when you might need more coaching and less therapy or vice versa. For the time we are working together, my aim is to create a safe space for you to explore events and emotions that might be impacting your life now. Sometimes these events might seem difficult to go and work on, as you might have a fear of opening the proverbial can of worms. My job is to make it safe for you to visit those event and emotions when you are ready. My mission is help you to explore, navigate, and release those emotions connected to past events and traumas. When you are able to release your pain, anxiety and fears you naturally become happier and healthier and are able to build resilience for future life events.

Want to find out more? Why not have a free chat to see if I might be able to help you.


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